Arsenal had a comfortable 3-1 victory over Birmingham city with Van persie,diaby n arshavin scoring for the gunners..chelsea had a shock defeat 2-1 at villa due to the set play errors...drogba put the blues in the lead after 15 min..but aston villa equalised within half time Dunne and took the lead in 52nd minute with yet another header this time by defender Collins..
in other matches wigan played out a 1-1 draw at home vs 10-man man city ,tottenham won awy at portsmouth 2-1..blackburn bt burnley 3-2 n everton were held to a 1-1 draw against the wolves..
But the match of the weekend was undoubtedly Liverpool vs Sunderland..this is what happened...
cattermole to reid they tear through the liverpool midfield ..reid passes it to bent..bentdodges the defenders and passes the ball to him..he scores!!!!he is the man of the moment for sunderland..he is the BEACH BALL.
for that wonderful piece of football the beach ball is our player of the week..he has sunk liverpool's chances...take a look at his goal in the video..
Sadly after a wonderful career the beach ball has decided to retire's his career in number's
born at: the beach
clubs:sunderland ,Sheffield united n that gay team from london(arsenal)
last apearance:sundeland vs liverpool
here's the goal vs liverpool...if u are wondering about the 1st goal it was against man city last year for sheffield united

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